SOMO | 28-ene-2020
CETA strengthens the legal position of North American companies in the EU and exposes European governments and taxpayers to potential claims.
CCFD-Terre Solidaire | 13-ene-2020
At a time when 3,400 trade and investment agreements protect the interests of transnational corporations, there is no international treaty requiring them to uphold human rights and environmental protection.
CCFD-Terre Solidaire | 9-ene-2020
Des communautés ont combattu des mines d’or toxiques, des forages pétroliers et des projets immobiliers de luxe. Aujourd’hui, de coûteuses poursuites en justice en vertu du règlement de différends entre investisseurs et États (ISDS) risquent d’annuler leurs victoires.
CEO | 9-ene-2020
Inspiring people fought toxic gold mines, dirty oil drilling and greedy luxury real estate projects. Now, costly investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) lawsuits risk to reverse their community victories.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 8-ene-2020
This termination agreement marks the culmination of the European Commission’s and several Member States’ efforts to abolish intra-EU investment arbitration proceedings from the European legal order.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 8-ene-2020
The leaked treaty for the termination of intra-EU BITs can be seen as the culmination of an ongoing effort by the EU Commission to discourage investment arbitration between Member States, reflecting a tension between public international law and EU law.
FOEE | 16-dic-2019
An obscure investment agreement, the Energy Charter Treaty, threatens to undermine bold climate action to transform Europe’s energy system.
Forbes | 10-dic-2019
Climate campaigners are demanding that European Union countries pull out of the treaty unless they can negotiate an end to the pact’s investor-state dispute mechanism.