Junior Mining Network | 7-Mar-2023
Goldgroup Mining Inc., through its subsidiary, is seeking damages as a result of Mexico’s breaches of NAFTA.
CIAR Global | 3-Mar-2023
La minera canadiense Goldgroup Resources, Inc. ha presentado un arbitraje de inversiones contra México ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI).
Mining Watch | 2-Mar-2023
El Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Ecuador y Canadá no beneficia a los pueblos indígenas, a los territorios ni al medio ambiente. El TLC sólo será otro instrumento del poder corporativo, esgrimido por las élites nacionales para profundizar la lógica de la devastación.
Mining Watch | 2-Mar-2023
A Free Trade Agreement between Ecuador and Canada is not in the interests of Indigenous peoples, territories or the environment. The FTA will only be another instrument of corporate power, wielded by the national elites to deepen the rationale for devastation.
Proactive | 28-Feb-2023
The plan is to use the funding to support the damages claim against the Republic of India for breaches of its obligations under the Australia-India Bilateral Investment Treaty.
Yahoo | 14-Feb-2023
Winshear Gold Corp. reports that the evidentiary hearing commences today in Washington D.C.. | 13-Feb-2023
The minister noted the parties will continue negotiating within the framework of a free trade agreement between Canada and Panama and international arbitration rules.
Zone Bourse | 8-Feb-2023
Berkeley a déclaré qu’elle estime également que le rejet n’est pas légal car il a empiété sur ses droits en vertu d’un accord international connu sous le nom de Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie. | 8-Feb-2023
Berkeley said it also believes the rejection is not legal as it infringed on its rights under an international agreement known as the Energy Charter Treaty.
The Hill Times | 25-Jan-2023
Controversial ISDS provisions are trumpeted for protecting Canadian foreign investments, but are panned for allowing companies to sue countries.