Politis | 22-may-2019
Plus de 260 organisations, réseaux, syndicats et mouvements sociaux au niveau mondial, représentant plus de 280 millions de personnes, se sont mobilisés pour dénoncer l’impunité de Chevron en Équateur.
Tele Sur | 22-may-2019
Thousands of demonstrators across all five continents have joined the International Anti-Chevron day to peacefully protest and display global crimes committed by the transnational company against human rights and the environment.
CADTM | 17-may-2019
Si hay algún caso que evidencie la ofensiva de las empresas transnacionales contra la vida y la democracia ese es, sin duda, el caso Chevron.
Reporterre | 23-abr-2019
Texaco — Et pourtant nous vaincrons, une nouvelle BD, relate l’histoire du désastre environnemental en Amazonie et de la lutte en justice des affectés.
Stop Corporate Power | 5-abr-2019
The Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples´ Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and End Impunity regrets the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada regarding the case of Chevron in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Stop Corporate Power | 5-abr-2019
The Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples´ Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and End Impunity regrets the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada regarding the case of Chevron in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
No al TTIP | 4-abr-2019
La Campaña Global para reivindicar la Soberanía de los Pueblos, desmantelar el poder corporativo y poner fin a la impunidad, lamenta el fallo de la Corte Suprema de Canadá sobre el caso Chevron en la Amazonía ecuatoriana y reitera la urgente necesidad de establecer un Tratado Vinculante de las Naciones Unidas sobre empresas transnacionales y los derechos humanos.
Open Democracy | 28-mar-2019
The infamous story of the environmental pollution of the Ecuadorian Amazon by Chevron-Texaco – which has come to be known as the "Ecuadorian Chernobyl" - is entering a new phase.
Alternatives Economiques | 4-mar-2019
Les victimes de la pollution pétrolière ont obtenu gain de cause contre Chevron devant la justice de leur pays, mais la décision a été annulée par la Cour d’arbitrage de La Haye.
Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity | 27-feb-2019
In February of 2011 the Ecuadorian Courts delivered an historic verdict, sentencing the Big Oil Corporation Chevron to pay US$9,500 million dollars for its contamination of the Ecuadorian Amazon (1964-1992). However, Chevron hit back via the Investor-State Dispute Settlement system and sued Ecuador.