EJIL: Talk! | 12-sep-2017
The Protocol draws significantly on the Brazilian model investment agreement, which stands out for departing from the traditional design of Bilateral Investment Treaties, particularly by excluding the possibility of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS).
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 12-jul-2017
The ACFI model focuses on dispute prevention and bilateral governance, limiting arbitration to the State-to-State level.
Relaciones Internacionales | 5-jul-2017
El artículo estudia las cláusulas del Acuerdo de Cooperación y Facilitación de las Inversiones (ACFI) entre Brasil y México en 2015. Se compara con las cláusulas estándar de los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión (TBI) firmados en los años noventa.
IISD | 28-jun-2017
Le Brésil n’a jamais approuvé un traité bilatéral d’investissement, ni signé la Convention du CIRDI. Malgré cela le pays a continué de recevoir d’importants flux d’investissement étranger direct.
IISD | 28-jun-2017
Brazil has never approved any BITs nor did it sign the ICSID Convention but it continued to receive significant amounts of foreign direct investment (FDI), consolidating its position as one of the world’s top recipients of FDI
Columbia FDI Perspectives | 30-ene-2017
Brazil has finally become a player in the international investment regime, but it represents a peculiar case in foreign investment relations.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 29-dic-2016
While India has been reshaping its arbitration laws and investment climate, the jury is still out on whether these measures will actually help create a more secure legal environment for investors.
Lexology | 7-dic-2016
The conclusion of negotiations between India and Brazil culminating in a near-final treaty between the two nations.
Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil | 20-jul-2015
Lexology | 23-abr-2015
The ICFAs open a door to arbitration, providing an alternative to the local courts, but State-to-State, not investor-State.

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