ISDS révisé
EJIL : Talk ! | 12-sep-2017
The Protocol draws significantly on the Brazilian model investment agreement, which stands out for departing from the traditional design of Bilateral Investment Treaties, particularly by excluding the possibility of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS).
CNCD-11.11.11 | 10-sep-2017
« La saisine permettra de clarifier la légalité de la clause d’arbitrage qui concerne non seulement le CETA, mais également le JEFTA avec le Japon et le VEFTA avec le Vietnam » explique Michel Cermak, chargé de recherche au CNCD-11.11.11
Belga | 6-sep-2017
La Belgique demandera l’avis de la Cours européenne sur la compatibilité du "Système juridictionnel des investissements" du CETA avec les traités européens
FOEE | 6-sep-2017
Belgium has requested an opinion from the European Court of Justice on the ’Investment Court System’ included in the EU-Canada trade deal, to determine if the ICS is compatible with the European Treaties
Volterra Fietta | 26-jui-2017
The data lead to the inexorable conclusion that the European Commission’s declaration that “investment treaty arbitration is dead” is wrong by a ratio of over 1:3,000.
Lexology | 13-jui-2017
A number of the provisions of the new legislation are inconsistent with the protections afforded to qualifying investors under agreements such as bilateral investment treaties.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 12-jui-2017
The ACFI model focuses on dispute prevention and bilateral governance, limiting arbitration to the State-to-State level.
European Commission | 12-jui-2017
The United Nations has agreed to initiate work on possible multilateral reform of investment dispute settlement including the possible establishment of a multilateral investment court.
Business Standard | 12-jui-2017
The JIN includes the definition of investor and investment, exclusion of taxation measures, Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET), National Treatment (NT) and Most Favoured Nation (MFN) treatment, expropriation, essential security interests and settlement of disputes between an investor and a contracting party,
Madhyam | 3-jui-2017
Governments at the Centre and in the States must urgently invest in building their own capacity to handle the new generation of international investment arbitration.