Vieuws | 7-oct-2015
The European Commission intends to announce in mid October its plans to revise the deal in order to add the missing investment protection chapter to it.
The Star | 2-oct-2015
What little we know about the Harper government’s many international trade deals is cause for grave concern.
La Tribune | 1er-oct-2015
La très contestée procédure d’arbitrage prévue dans la futur traité transatlantique ne verra donc pas le jour. Mais cela change-t-il vraiment quelque chose ?
Embassy | 1er-oct-2015
Canada will likely be left out of a new system proposed by the European Union for settling disputes between countries and corporations—at least for now.
Vieuws | 29-sep-2015
The European Commission wants the new Investment Court System (ICS) in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to be co-financed from the EU budget only, Mauro Petriccione, Deputy Director-General at DG Trade has told MEPs.
RT | 26-sep-2015
Campaigners gathered outside a secret court in central London on Friday to protest against a controversial EU-Canada trade deal that will empower corporations to sue the British government.
TTIP2015 Blog | 23-sep-2015
Examining the key points under the new ‘International Court System’ in TTIP
FFII | 22-sep-2015
The European Commission has published its investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) reform proposal for the EU-US trade agreement under negotiation (TTIP), which institutionalises discrimination.
Le Devoir | 18-sep-2015
Le mécanisme de règlement des différends indispose une majorité de citoyens
RT | 17-sep-2015
Visant à rendre l’ISDS acceptable, les modifications de forme proposées menacent d’étendre considérablement le champ de cette justice aux services des multinationales