droits humains
Diario Uchile | 24-aoû-2021
La globalización y los procesos de integración económica en América Latina han significado el aumento del poder que las empresas transnacionales ostentan en nuestros países.
East Asia Forum | 9-aoû-2021
Human rights experts are particularly concerned about the asymmetric nature of the system and a lack of investors’ human rights obligations. Together with high ISDS costs and arbitral awards, they undermine states’ ability to realise economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.
People’s World | 29-jui-2021
To seriously address the roots and causes of migration, it is urgent to dismantle the neoliberal rules which grant excessive privileges to transnational corporations.
Lexology | 23-avr-2021
The solution to the “regulatory chill” problem lies not in the cosmetic amendments to IIAs but in “supranational” legal regimes providing for full convergence of international investment law and human rights.
IISD | 9-avr-2021
Para muchas personas afectadas por la extracción de recursos, los tratados de inversión pueden proteger emprendimientos que pueden cambiar drásticamente sus vidas con poco margen para expresar sus opiniones u obtener reparación.
IISD | 9-avr-2021
For many people affected by resource extraction, it is the prevailing legal regime that dis-embeds and disintegrates, because investment treaties can protect ventures that upend their lives with little scope for voice or redress.
IISD | 8-avr-2021
Pour de nombreuses personnes affectées par l’extraction des ressources, le régime juridique désintègre, car les traités d’investissement peuvent protéger des projets qui bouleversent leur vies, leur laissant peu de chance de se faire entendre.
Heinrich Böll Foundation | 16-déc-2020
Given China’s unique position, the study concludes that the EU must ensure that particularly strong protections for EU regulatory policy space are included in any future investment deal.
JDsupra | 4-nov-2020
Given the dynamic relationship between the protection of foreign investment and human rights, investors wishing to rely upon investment treaty provisions should fully integrate human rights considerations into their investment decisions and operations.
Open Global Rights | 14-jui-2020
La liberalización comercial es incompatible con los derechos humanos de las mujeres y la igualdad de género cuando las empresas explotan el trabajo de las mujeres como una fuente de ventaja comparativa.