ISDS reformado
IISD | 26-abr-2019
Si el régimen pretende apoyar el desarrollo, y superar la crisis de legitimidad que enfrenta el régimen internacional de inversiones, se requiere algo más que una reforma procesal de la ISDS.
IISD | 26-abr-2019
Si l’on souhaite que le régime international des investissements soutienne plus efficacement le développement, et surmonte la crise de légitimité à laquelle il fait face, il faudra plus que de simples réformes procédurales du RDIE
IISD | 26-abr-2019
If the investment regime is to be made supportive of development and overcome its legitimacy crisis confronting, something more is required than procedural reforms to ISDS.
IISD | 12-abr-2019
The proposed amendments signal an effort to improve the procedural rules governing ICSID arbitration, but fail to appropriately address many concerns expressed and fall short of promoting meaningful reform of investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS).
Le Monde | 10-abr-2019
Seuls les Etats du pays dont dépend l’investisseur étranger devraient pouvoir saisir une justice spécialisée sur le sujet des investissements, si la loi nationale ou la décision des autorités publiques s’avère contraire à un accord international signé.
Stop ISDS | 9-abr-2019
A permanent Multilateral Investment Court pushed by the European Union could make ISDS worse by scaling it up.
TNI | 8-abr-2019
ISDS lawyers appear to hold administrative positions within the working group and are represented in large numbers in the advisory bodies that have been established for the working group.
AFTINET | 8-abr-2019
Advocates of ISDS (industrialised countries and lawyers from the ‘arbitration industry’) dominate the running of the Working Group and its advisory bodies. Civil society is underrepresented.
The American Prospect | 5-abr-2019
USMCA bears many resemblances to NAFTA, which has been cited as a driver of low-wage corporate outsourcing.
EJIL: Talk! | 4-abr-2019
The principle that adjudicators must be independent and impartial is at the core of any adjudicatory mechanism. It plays an important role in Investor-State arbitration, where arbitrators typically sit for a short amount of time and are not career judges.